11 februar 2013


Anthropology Student Sessions

Sreda, 13.2.2013 ob 18.00


Tokrat bomo rekli eno zadevah, ki med seboj niso povezane, pa vseeno delujejo kot bi bile in - glej ga zlomka - kar naenkrat so povezane. Govorili bomo živih stvareh, o katerih ni mogoče povedati nič dokončnega, nič, kar bi držalo. Govorili bomo o nam najbolj neznanih in nepredvidljivih ljudeh, o njihovem družbenem delovanju in njihovih "prvih in najbolj naravnih orodjih" (M. Mauss) - govorili bomo o nas samih.
Ja, uganka!

Vabljene in vabljeni!

Za dodatne informacije ali prispevanje idej, predlogov, nas kontaktirajte na:

An enigma?

This time we will talk about things, that are not interrelated but still, they function as if they were and - lo and stand - suddenly they are related. We will talk about living things about which it is impossible to say anything final, nothing that would be true. We will talk about the most unfamilliar and most unpredictable people we know, about their social functioning and their "first and most natural tools" (M. Mauss) - we will talk about ourselves.
Yes, an enigma!

Welcome everybody!
For additional information or to contribute some ideas, suggestions, contact us:

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